



Sweet Home 3D Blog

This blog presents news and tips about Sweet Home 3D.

Sweet Home 3D 2.6 and more...

Sweet Home 3D 2.6 was released on August 23, 2010 with a few bug fixes described in version history.

Superimposed doors and windows

As seen in the following image, this version is now able to compute correctly holes made in a wall by doors and windows superimposed on top of each other.

Now, users won't have to use various hacks found time after time to achieve the same thing.

Better Collada/DAE support - step 2

Users have adopted very quickly the ability to import files at Collada format, and thanks to their report, a few more bugs were fixed, mainly to support the DAE files exported by other 3D tools.

New features in Advanced rendering plug-in 1.6

Users interested by the Advanced rendering plug-in should upgrade to the version 1.6. It fixes a bug that stopped rendering 3D models with too large texture coordinates. It brings also performance enhancements and new features as shown at the bottom of this screen capture:


You can now:

  • Choose how shiny surfaces should be rendered, either with a glossy effect or with silk to glossy effect.
  • Use light bulb angles as a power knob to change the power they emit (this feature requires you use light bulbs available in the updated basicLights.sh3f).
  • Compute glass transparency to let the light goes through furniture glass panes.

These new features and performance enhancements required a lot of testing to get good results, and I would like to thank db4tech for all the time he spent to help me test them.
Don't hesitate to publish the images you created with this plug-in in forum's gallery.


Finally I'm happy to report that on, Sweet Home 3D is now in the All-time top 100 downloads and almost the same day, program reached 5 million downloads!
Not bad for a program that will celebrate soon the 3rd birthday of its first version!
Thank you again for your support.


Avatar: Andrés

Re: Sweet Home 3D 2.6 and more...

Great work!
This program is the best. I'm architect and I think that it's a excelent tool for professional work. It's simple and easier. I 'm always waiting for the news about Sweet Home 3D
Avatar: d' engineer

Re: Sweet Home 3D 2.6 and more...

I'm always glad to see new version of this software. With your new release, you've just fixed the bug in my home.  May I suggest that you also create a feature that would put a second floor on the house.  I would gladly be excited with this feature. I'm not  surprise that you reached that download count, I gave a copy to my officemates and they all say, wow!

Re: Sweet Home 3D 2.6 and more...

Congratulations on the 5 million downloads.

Hope your server/s can cope, once word spreads, about the exciting new features and improvements!
Won't be long before you're celebrating 10 million! ;-)

Keep up the great work.

Best wishes,


Re: Sweet Home 3D 2.6 and more...

Thanks to all programmers and contributers for this great open source software!

Re: Sweet Home 3D 2.6 and more...


Avatar: Anonymous

Re: Sweet Home 3D 2.6 and more...

The plug is not working. When I click Tools > Create advanced photography, nothing happens.

Avatar: Emmanuel Puybaret

Re: Sweet Home 3D 2.6 and more...

The Advanced rendering plug-in isn't supported anymore since the version 3.4 and its features are directly included in Sweet Home 3D. I removed the link to the plug-in to avoid confusion.

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