




Search free 3D models

The following 72 models match your search "board".

Click on the images of the models to display them in 3D within your browser
or click on the link under each image to download the matching 3D model file.

Cardboard box by Scopia
CC-BY - 85 kB
Chessboard by Swapnilrocks98
CC-BY - 633 kB
Chopping board by Jay-Artist
CC-BY - 34 kB
Chopping board by Toomy
LAL - 30 kB
Corner cabinet by LucaPresidente
LAL - 8 kB
Cupboard by Mahmood
CC-0 - 71 kB
Cupboard mirror by Ola-Kristian Hoff
LAL - 16 kB
Diving board by Scopia
CC-BY - 4 kB
Drawers by LucaPresidente
LAL - 164 kB
Drawers cabinet by Vladoffsky
CC-0 - 77 kB
Drawers cabinet by Jay-Artist
CC-BY - 121 kB
Glass door cabinet by Ben Omari
LAL - 4 kB
Glass door cabinet by Vladoffsky
CC-0 - 25 kB
Glass door cabinet by LucaPresidente
LAL - 2 kB
Glass door cabinet by Jay-Artist & eTeks
CC-BY - 11 kB
Glass door cabinet by Pencilart
LAL - 4 kB
Gray cabinet by Robert Pastierovic
LAL - 1 kB
Gray cabinet with basin by Robert Pastierovic
LAL - 5 kB
Gray drawers by Robert Pastierovic
LAL - 2 kB
Gray glass door cabinet by Robert Pastierovic
LAL - 2 kB
Gray smaller upper cabinet by Robert Pastierovic
LAL - 1 kB
Gray upper cabinet by Robert Pastierovic
LAL - 1 kB
High cabinet by Vladoffsky
CC-0 - 141 kB
Ironing board by Toomy
LAL - 11 kB
Island by Jay-Artist
CC-BY - 106 kB
Keyboard by Geantick
LAL - 18 kB
Keyboard by Kator Legaz
CC-BY - 46 kB
Kitchen cabinet by eTeks
CC-BY - 3 kB
Kitchen upper cabinet by eTeks
CC-BY - 3 kB
Large pantry by LucaPresidente
LAL - 165 kB
Lower cabinet by LucaPresidente
LAL - 50 kB
Lower cabinet by Jay-Artist
CC-BY - 39 kB
Lower cabinet by Vladoffsky
CC-0 - 75 kB
Lower cabinet by LucaPresidente
LAL - 89 kB
Lower corner cabinet by Vladoffsky
CC-0 - 76 kB
Microwave cabinet by Infernal-quack
LAL - 13 kB
Open cardboard box by Scopia
CC-BY - 85 kB
Pantry by LucaPresidente
LAL - 88 kB
Red cabinet by Ben Omari
LAL - 1 kB
Red cabinet with basin by Ben Omari
LAL - 4 kB
Red drawers by Ben Omari
LAL - 2 kB
Red island by Ben Omari
LAL - 3 kB
Sideboard by LucaPresidente
LAL - 79 kB
Sink by eTeks
CC-BY - 10 kB
Sink by Jay-Artist, Kator Legaz & eTeks
CC-BY - 112 kB
Sink by LucaPresidente
LAL - 168 kB
Sink cabinet by Vladoffsky
CC-0 - 141 kB
Skateboard by Scopia
CC-BY - 49 kB
Small lower cabinet by Jay-Artist
CC-BY - 33 kB
Small upper cabinet by Jay-Artist
CC-BY - 9 kB
Small upper cabinet by Vladoffsky
CC-0 - 38 kB
Switchboard by Sheep
LAL - 10 kB
Upper cabinet by Jay-Artist
CC-BY - 15 kB
Upper cabinet by LucaPresidente
LAL - 88 kB
Upper cabinet by Ben Omari
LAL - 4 kB
Upper cabinet by Vladoffsky
CC-0 - 24 kB
Upper corner cabinet by LucaPresidente
LAL - 51 kB
Upper corner cabinet by Vladoffsky
CC-0 - 28 kB
Upper shelves cabinet by Vladoffsky
CC-0 - 22 kB
White board by Redsymbzone
CC-0 - 22 kB
Wood cabinet with sink by Pencilart
LAL - 443 kB
Wood corner cabinet by Pencilart
LAL - 12 kB
Wood corner China by Pencilart
LAL - 36 kB
Wood drawer cabinet by Pencilart
LAL - 67 kB
Wood glass door cabinet by Pencilart
LAL - 29 kB
Wood glass door cabinet by Pencilart
LAL - 49 kB
Wood island by Pencilart
LAL - 447 kB
Wood lower cabinet by Pencilart
LAL - 84 kB
Wood lower cabinet by Pencilart
LAL - 49 kB
Wood pantry by Pencilart
LAL - 90 kB
Wood upper cabinet by Pencilart
LAL - 31 kB
Wood upper cabinet by Pencilart
LAL - 49 kB
LAL = Free Art License
CC-BY = Creative Commons Attribution License
CC-0 = Public domain

The creator of each 3D model is indicated when you place the mouse pointer on its image.
The models surrounded with a green border are available in the default catalog of Sweet Home 3D 7.4 free version.

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