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Set starting point of sky texture
For those of us who use real horizons as sky textures, it would be great to be able to set starting ...
okh 1 3599 Aug 13, 2023, 11:07:55 AM
by Puybaret  Last Page
Lock base plan can not be fixed in a documment :-(
Again, the program is great. I drown my future home. I drown all the base plan and my wife is in ...
javi074 1 3408 Aug 13, 2023, 10:19:14 AM
by Puybaret  Last Page
Create a room between rooms
I would like to have the option to create a room between rooms. Currently you can create a room ...
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Keet 11 1596 Aug 10, 2023, 8:36:44 PM
by Keet  Last Page
Drag 3D model
Hello, is there any feature that allows me to drag the 3D model of the house you've realized? ...
marco1991 1 635 Aug 6, 2023, 11:42:07 PM
by sjb007  Last Page
Integrated Furniture Editor
I know I’ve suggested this before, but it would be so amazing if you could right-click a furniture ...
JonnyD 3 734 Aug 4, 2023, 10:29:06 AM
by Keet  Last Page
Separate 3D Window Aspect Ratio?
Is there a way to make the Separate 3D Window preview have a specific aspect ratio like 4:3 and ...
snmavronis 3 646 Jul 28, 2023, 2:33:06 AM
by snmavronis  Last Page
Read back generated shape
The roof generator reads back the numbers from a generated roof if it is selected when you start ...
Keet 7 854 Jul 10, 2023, 7:14:01 PM
by Keet  Last Page
Faces of the wall
Currently we only have left and right option with the walls. one of the Results is we dont get ...
crackwood01 6 624 Jul 2, 2023, 1:59:42 PM
by Keet  Last Page
Suggestion - 3d Extrude tool
I would like to suggest a 2d to 3d extrusion tool, which is based on simple vector files such as ...
vil_br 4 2096 Jun 5, 2023, 9:38:18 PM
by crackwood01  Last Page
Attach dimension to wall (or other feature?)
When I double-click a wall to add a dimension for its length, then reposition that wall, the ...
Eradicator 5 3828 Jun 5, 2023, 8:13:23 PM
by crackwood01  Last Page
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