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Living Room
Decided to rotate our steamer trunk coffee table in real life so made another Sweet Home 3D ...
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snmavronis 11 14430 Dec 2, 2021, 10:30:49 PM
by Xiste  Last Page
Kitchen w/Pendant
Our kitchen remodel is happing by March 2021 and here is a render showing the 3-light hanging ...
snmavronis 5 10993 Sep 23, 2021, 8:24:43 PM
by VeroniQ  Last Page
2-family house
A few years ago, while browsing a house plans website, I came across one particular house plan that ...
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AeowynFraser 18 45363 Sep 18, 2021, 5:47:13 AM
by bdom  Last Page
Great Hall
I'm nearly finished with the floorplan for the Hall, the main building for the story I'm ...
silvercat17 1 6719 Sep 4, 2021, 9:48:39 AM
by VeroniQ  Last Page
1928 Home Builders Catalog Co. house plans
So, I decided to start a thread on the houses I'd found intriguing in the Home Builders ...
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AeowynFraser 41 86580 Aug 22, 2021, 2:24:09 AM
by AeowynFraser  Last Page
Greetings from a beginner
Greetings The house is not finished, I only share it with you so that you can tell me if I am on ...
manolo_elmas 0 6938 Aug 8, 2021, 1:43:55 PM
by manolo_elmas  Last Page
[img][/img] ...
enkonyito 2 8126 Jul 30, 2021, 5:44:29 PM
by HIdayatsyah  Last Page
Renovation Plan is changed after reviewing the Gallery :)
Hi All, This is my second post; and after viewing projects posted here, I think I got a bit of ...
HIdayatsyah 0 6367 Jul 30, 2021, 4:33:24 PM
by HIdayatsyah  Last Page
Renovation Plan
[img][/img] Hi All, This is my ...
HIdayatsyah 4 6339 Jul 26, 2021, 7:52:11 PM
by HIdayatsyah  Last Page
Living Room
Just rendered this scene with Sweet Home 3D of our living room. I just added new models of our sofa ...
snmavronis 2 4490 Jul 23, 2021, 3:17:08 AM
by snmavronis  Last Page
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