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Recalculate floor
It would be great if there was a feature to recalculate the layout of a floor, taking into account ...
qythyx 3 2657 Sep 24, 2023, 3:15:50 PM
by Puybaret  Last Page
Recomputing rooms.
Hi, It seems there no option to recompute an already created room to make it automatically fit ...
bertrand125 3 3072 Sep 24, 2023, 3:14:27 PM
by Puybaret  Last Page
Add prices to Furniture Library Editor
Hello, it would be really nice to be able to add prices when making/editing a library (Furniture ...
Larz2 1 3306 Sep 24, 2023, 3:12:50 PM
by Puybaret  Last Page
2D view of walls
In many other 3D modelling systems you can view more than just the plan in 2D. So if you are ...
techdoctor 3 5831 Sep 24, 2023, 3:10:56 PM
by Puybaret  Last Page
Recalculate Room Points
After I move a wall by a few inches or move a door left or right along a wall, I have to update the ...
rhawke 6 6163 Sep 24, 2023, 3:07:42 PM
by Puybaret  Last Page
Edit length of dimension
Is there a way to edit a ruler ("dimension") to the size I need it to be? For walls ...
Bilfrost 2 5972 Sep 24, 2023, 3:06:11 PM
by Puybaret  Last Page
Minor Enhancements (1)
Hello, Some suggestions to enhance usability: - "Zoom all" button for Plan view - ...
Xlance 1 3944 Sep 24, 2023, 3:04:36 PM
by Puybaret  Last Page
Hi, new user here! Enjoying using SweetHome 6.2 on Linux Mint 20.1. Cannot see how to ...
Boca458 2 4099 Sep 24, 2023, 3:01:56 PM
by Puybaret  Last Page
Better GUI for SH3D
Hi I have recently got the download unpaid version SH3D and what a nasty surprise I got once I ...
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SweetHomeBuilder 10 1633 Sep 14, 2023, 12:01:37 PM
by Keet  Last Page
angry Redesign overall this forum interface and "functionality"
Redesign overall this forum interface and "functionality" Redesign overall this archaic ...
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411621 24 4752 Sep 12, 2023, 7:14:44 PM
by SweetHomeBuilder  Last Page
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