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Attachments: 384   Pages: 39   [ Previous Page | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | Next Page ]
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Attachment 12247 bytes 2232
Attachment staircase.sh3f 19232 bytes 3371 SH3F example file defining the plan icon of a staircase
Attachment spiral staircase.sh3d 142447 bytes 2519
Attachment souspente.sh3d 19151 bytes 3716
Attachment SlopingCeillingsTest.sh3d 5970 bytes 2278 Tests of various sloping ceilings
Attachment sloping terrain.sh3d 17410 bytes 2794
Attachment SimpleRoom.sh3d 493856 bytes 2204
sh3dvsjws7u2.jpg Attachment sh3dvsjws7u2.jpg 171046 bytes 10079 Opening SH3D 3.4 with JavaWS using Java 7 Update 2
SH3Duppercabinetry.jpg Attachment SH3Duppercabinetry.jpg 98963 bytes 31135 Notice 2 cabinets + 1 together
SH3Dkitchenbeta16lighting.png Attachment SH3Dkitchenbeta16lighting.png 167380 bytes 10459
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