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Class ObjectXMLExporter

Defined in: SweetHome3D.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Base class used to write objects to XML.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Returns the element tag matching the object in parameter.
writeAttributes(writer, object)
Writes the attributes of the object in parameter.
writeChildren(writer, object)
Writes the children of the object in parameter.
writeElement(writer, object)
Writes in XML the given object in the element returned by the {@link #getTag(Object) getTag}, then writes its attributes and children calling {@link #writeAttributes(XMLWriter, Object) writeAttributes} and {@link #writeChildren(XMLWriter, Object) writeChildren} methods.
Class Detail
Base class used to write objects to XML.
Author: Emmanuel Puybaret.
Method Detail
{string} getTag(object)
Returns the element tag matching the object in parameter.
{Object} object
{string} the simple class name of the exported object with its first letter at lower case, without Home prefix if it's the case.

writeAttributes(writer, object)
Writes the attributes of the object in parameter.
{XMLWriter} writer
{Object} object

writeChildren(writer, object)
Writes the children of the object in parameter.
{XMLWriter} writer
{Object} object

writeElement(writer, object)
Writes in XML the given object in the element returned by the {@link #getTag(Object) getTag}, then writes its attributes and children calling {@link #writeAttributes(XMLWriter, Object) writeAttributes} and {@link #writeChildren(XMLWriter, Object) writeChildren} methods.
{XMLWriter} writer
{Object} object

© Copyright 2024 Emmanuel PUYBARET / eTeks
Distributed under GNU General Public License
Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Thu Apr 04 2024 17:30:26 GMT+0200 (CEST)