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Class HomeDoorOrWindow

Extends HomePieceOfFurniture.

Defined in: SweetHome3D.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
HomeDoorOrWindow(id, doorOrWindow, copiedProperties)
Creates a home door or window from an existing one.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Returns a copy of this door or window.
Returns the shape used to cut out walls that intersect this door or window.
Returns a copy of the sashes attached to this door or window.
Returns the distance between the back side of this door or window and the wall where it's located.
Returns the height of the wall part in which this door or window should be placed.
Returns the distance between the left side of this door or window and the wall part where it should be placed.
Returns the thickness of the wall in which this door or window should be placed.
Returns the distance between the left side of this door or window and the wall part where it should be placed.
Returns the width of the wall part in which this door or window should be placed.
Returns true if the location and the size of this door or window were bound to a wall, last time they were updated.
Returns always true.
Returns true if this door or window should cut out the both sides of the walls it intersects, even if its front or back side are within the wall thickness.
Returns false if the width and depth of this door or window may not be changed independently from each other.
Sets the angle of this door or window and resets its {@link #isBoundToWall() boundToWall} flag if the angle changed.
Sets whether the location and the size of this door or window were bound to a wall, last time they were updated.
Sets the shape used to cut out walls that intersect this door or window.
Sets the depth of this door or window and resets its {@link #isBoundToWall() boundToWall} flag if the depth changed.
Sets the sashes attached to this door or window.
Sets whether the width and depth of the new door or window may be changed independently from each other.
Sets the distance between the back side of this door or window and the wall where it's located.
Sets the height of the wall part in which this door or window should be placed.
Sets the distance between the left side of this door or window and the wall part where it should be placed.
Sets the thickness of the wall in which this door or window should be placed.
Sets the distance between the top side of this door or window and the wall part where it should be placed.
Sets the width of the wall part in which this door or window should be placed.
Sets whether the width and depth of the new door or window may be changed independently from each other.
Sets the abscissa of this door or window and resets its {@link #isBoundToWall() boundToWall} flag if the abscissa changed.
Sets the ordinate of this door or window and resets its {@link #isBoundToWall() boundToWall} flag if the ordinate changed.
Methods borrowed from class HomePieceOfFurniture:
clone, containsPoint, getAngle, getCatalogId, getColor, getCreator, getCurrency, getDepth, getDepthInPlan, getDescription, getDropOnTopElevation, getElevation, getGroundElevation, getHeight, getHeightInPlan, getIcon, getInformation, getLevel, getLicense, getModel, getModelFlags, getModelMaterials, getModelRotation, getModelSize, getModelTransformations, getName, getNameAngle, getNameStyle, getNameXOffset, getNameYOffset, getPitch, getPlanIcon, getPoints, getPrice, getPriceValueAddedTaxIncluded, getRoll, getShininess, getStaircaseCutOutShape, getTexture, getValueAddedTax, getValueAddedTaxPercentage, getWidth, getWidthInPlan, getX, getY, intersectsRectangle, isAtLevel, isBackFaceShown, isBottomLeftPointAt, isBottomRightPointAt, isDeformable, isHorizontallyRotatable, isHorizontallyRotated, isModelCenteredAtOrigin, isModelMirrored, isMovable, isNameCenterPointAt, isNameVisible, isParallelToWall, isPointAt, isResizable, isTexturable, isTopLeftPointAt, isTopRightPointAt, isVisible, move, scale, setBackFaceShown, setCatalogId, setColor, setCreator, setCurrency, setDepthInPlan, setDescription, setElevation, setHeight, setHeightInPlan, setIcon, setInformation, setLevel, setLicense, setModel, setModelCenteredAtOrigin, setModelFlags, setModelMaterials, setModelMirrored, setModelRotation, setModelSize, setModelTransformations, setMovable, setName, setNameAngle, setNameStyle, setNameVisible, setNameXOffset, setNameYOffset, setPitch, setPlanIcon, setPrice, setRoll, setShininess, setStaircaseCutOutShape, setTexture, setValueAddedTaxPercentage, setVisible, setWidth, setWidthInPlan
Methods borrowed from class HomeObject:
firePropertyChange, getContentProperty, getId, getProperty, getPropertyNames, isContentProperty, setProperty
Class Detail
HomeDoorOrWindow(id, doorOrWindow, copiedProperties)
Creates a home door or window from an existing one.
Author: Emmanuel Puybaret.
{string} id
the ID of the object
{Object} doorOrWindow
the door or window from which data are copied
{java.lang.String[]} copiedProperties
the names of the additional properties which should be copied from the existing piece or null if all properties should be copied.
Method Detail
{HomeObject} duplicate()
Returns a copy of this door or window.

{string} getCutOutShape()
Returns the shape used to cut out walls that intersect this door or window.

{com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.Sash[]} getSashes()
Returns a copy of the sashes attached to this door or window. If no sash is defined an empty array is returned.

{number} getWallDistance()
Returns the distance between the back side of this door or window and the wall where it's located.
{number} a distance in percentage of the depth of the door or the window.

{number} getWallHeight()
Returns the height of the wall part in which this door or window should be placed. Once this piece is updated, listeners added to this piece will receive a change notification.
{number} a value in percentage of the height of the door or the window.

{number} getWallLeft()
Returns the distance between the left side of this door or window and the wall part where it should be placed.
{number} a distance in percentage of the width of the door or the window.

{number} getWallThickness()
Returns the thickness of the wall in which this door or window should be placed.
{number} a value in percentage of the depth of the door or the window.

{number} getWallTop()
Returns the distance between the left side of this door or window and the wall part where it should be placed.
{number} a distance in percentage of the height of the door or the window.

{number} getWallWidth()
Returns the width of the wall part in which this door or window should be placed.
{number} a value in percentage of the width of the door or the window.

{boolean} isBoundToWall()
Returns true if the location and the size of this door or window were bound to a wall, last time they were updated.

{boolean} isDoorOrWindow()
Returns always true.

{boolean} isWallCutOutOnBothSides()
Returns true if this door or window should cut out the both sides of the walls it intersects, even if its front or back side are within the wall thickness.

{boolean} isWidthDepthDeformable()
Returns false if the width and depth of this door or window may not be changed independently from each other. When false, this door or window will also make a hole in the wall when it's placed whatever its depth if its {@link #isBoundToWall() bouldToWall} flag is true.

Sets the angle of this door or window and resets its {@link #isBoundToWall() boundToWall} flag if the angle changed.
{number} angle

Sets whether the location and the size of this door or window were bound to a wall, last time they were updated. Once this piece is updated, listeners added to this piece will receive a change notification.
{boolean} boundToWall

Sets the shape used to cut out walls that intersect this door or window. Once this piece is updated, listeners added to this piece will receive a change notification.
{string} cutOutShape
a SVG path element.

Sets the depth of this door or window and resets its {@link #isBoundToWall() boundToWall} flag if the depth changed.
{number} depth

Sets the sashes attached to this door or window. Once this piece is updated, listeners added to this piece will receive a change notification.
{com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.Sash[]} sashes
sashes of this window.

Sets whether the width and depth of the new door or window may be changed independently from each other. Once this piece is updated, listeners added to this piece will receive a change notification.
{boolean} wallCutOutOnBothSides

Sets the distance between the back side of this door or window and the wall where it's located. Once this piece is updated, listeners added to this piece will receive a change notification.
{number} wallDistance
a distance in percentage of the depth of the door or the window.

Sets the height of the wall part in which this door or window should be placed. Once this piece is updated, listeners added to this piece will receive a change notification.
{number} wallHeight
a value in percentage of the height of the door or the window.

Sets the distance between the left side of this door or window and the wall part where it should be placed. Once this piece is updated, listeners added to this piece will receive a change notification.
{number} wallLeft
a distance in percentage of the width of the door or the window.

Sets the thickness of the wall in which this door or window should be placed. Once this piece is updated, listeners added to this piece will receive a change notification.
{number} wallThickness
a value in percentage of the depth of the door or the window.

Sets the distance between the top side of this door or window and the wall part where it should be placed. Once this piece is updated, listeners added to this piece will receive a change notification.
{number} wallTop
a distance in percentage of the height of the door or the window.

Sets the width of the wall part in which this door or window should be placed. Once this piece is updated, listeners added to this piece will receive a change notification.
{number} wallWidth
a value in percentage of the width of the door or the window.

Sets whether the width and depth of the new door or window may be changed independently from each other. Once this piece is updated, listeners added to this piece will receive a change notification.
{boolean} widthDepthDeformable

Sets the abscissa of this door or window and resets its {@link #isBoundToWall() boundToWall} flag if the abscissa changed.
{number} x

Sets the ordinate of this door or window and resets its {@link #isBoundToWall() boundToWall} flag if the ordinate changed.
{number} y

© Copyright 2024 Emmanuel PUYBARET / eTeks
Distributed under GNU General Public License
Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Thu Apr 04 2024 17:30:26 GMT+0200 (CEST)