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Class JSComponent

Defined in: toolkit.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
JSComponent(preferences, template, useElementAsRootHTMLElement)
The root class for additional UI components.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
attachChildComponent(name, component)
Attaches the given component to a child DOM element, becoming a child component.
Substitutes all the place holders in the given html with localized labels.
Releases any resource or listener associated with this component, when it's disposed.
Returns the element that matches the given query selector within this component.
Returns the elements that match the given query selector within this component.
Returns the named element that corresponds to the given name within this component.
Returns the HTML element used to view this component.
getLocalizedLabelText(resourceClass, propertyKey, resourceParameters)
Returns the localized text defined for the given >resourceClass + propertyKey.
Returns the user preferences used to localize this component.
JSComponent.isElementContained(element, candidateParent)
Returns true if element is or is child of candidateParent, false otherwise.
registerEventListener(elements, eventName, listener)
Registers the given listener on given elements(s) and removes them when this component is disposed.
registerPropertyChangeListener(object, propertyName, listener)
Registers the given property change listener on object and removes it when this component is disposed.
JSComponent.substituteWithLocale(preferences, html)
Substitutes all the place holders in the html with localized labels.
Class Detail
JSComponent(preferences, template, useElementAsRootHTMLElement)
The root class for additional UI components.
Author: Renaud Pawlak, Emmanuel Puybaret.
{UserPreferences} preferences
the current user preferences
{string|HTMLElement} template
template element (view HTML will be this element's innerHTML) or HTML string (if null or undefined, then the component creates an empty div for the root node)
{boolean} useElementAsRootHTMLElement Optional
Method Detail
attachChildComponent(name, component)
Attaches the given component to a child DOM element, becoming a child component.
{string} name
the component's name, which matches child DOM element name (as defined in JSComponent#getElement)
{JSComponent} component
child component instance

Substitutes all the place holders in the given html with localized labels.
{string} templateHtml

Releases any resource or listener associated with this component, when it's disposed. Override to perform custom clean. Don't forget to call super method: JSComponent.prototype.dispose()

Returns the element that matches the given query selector within this component.
{string} query
css selector to be applied on children elements

Returns the elements that match the given query selector within this component.
{string} query
css selector to be applied on children elements

Returns the named element that corresponds to the given name within this component. A named element shall define the "name" attribute (for instance an input), or a "data-name" attribute if the name attribute is not supported.

{HTMLElement} getHTMLElement()
Returns the HTML element used to view this component.

{string} getLocalizedLabelText(resourceClass, propertyKey, resourceParameters)
Returns the localized text defined for the given >resourceClass + propertyKey.
{Object} resourceClass
{string} propertyKey
{Array} resourceParameters

{UserPreferences} getUserPreferences()
Returns the user preferences used to localize this component.

<static> {boolean} JSComponent.isElementContained(element, candidateParent)
Returns true if element is or is child of candidateParent, false otherwise.
{HTMLElement} element
{HTMLElement} candidateParent

registerEventListener(elements, eventName, listener)
Registers the given listener on given elements(s) and removes them when this component is disposed.
{(HTMLElement[]|HTMLElement)} elements
{string} eventName
{function} listener

registerPropertyChangeListener(object, propertyName, listener)
Registers the given property change listener on object and removes it when this component is disposed.
{Object} object
{string} propertyName
{function} listener

<static> JSComponent.substituteWithLocale(preferences, html)
Substitutes all the place holders in the html with localized labels.
{UserPreferences} preferences
the current user preferences
{string} html

© Copyright 2024 Emmanuel PUYBARET / eTeks
Distributed under GNU General Public License
Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Thu Apr 04 2024 17:30:26 GMT+0200 (CEST)