Joined: Oct 11, 2017
Post Count: 2
Printing Walls from side
I have planned my building and now I would like to calculate cables & electricity and document it.
For that it would be extremely helpful if there was a way to have a print/view of every wall from the side. I could't find anything...have I missed it? Do you have an idea for me, how to accomplish something like that?
Printing the 3D View is not really an option as it would not be to scale.
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Printing Walls from side
Sorry, there's no side views in Sweet Home 3D. A workaround could be to export (a part of) your home to OBJ format, then reimport it as a piece of furniture and rotate it at the second step of the Furniture import wizard. To get a nicer image of that kind of side view, you could then choose a larger icon size in preferences.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Oct 11, 2017
Post Count: 2
Re: Printing Walls from side
Thanks for your answer (even though I hoped it would be my fault).
I really wonder that this is a feature that I seem to be the only one interested in. It should not be to hard to implement I'd guess. Oh well, I guess I have to tinker then :)
Thanks for your extremely helpful software as well :)
Joined: May 12, 2013
Post Count: 1545
Re: Printing Walls from side
..I really wonder that this is a feature that I seem to be the only one interested in. It should not be to hard to implement I'd guess. Oh well, I guess I have to tinker then :)
Thanks for your extremely helpful software as well :)
Oh, you are not alone in wishing for a simple way to create a lateral view. The question does come up from time to time, also in the feature requests (SF ticket 484 with links to a couple of similar, closed ones).
In addition to what Puybaret suggests, you may want to look at threads 5416 and 5498 to see couple of approaches.
One way is to create a side photo as in Akalvin's house in 5416#23778. Moving the virtual visitor far away (say 50000 cm) and setting the field of view to minimum (2°) before you create the photo, will generate a relatively undistorted side view. Easy with a facade, but will also work with inner walls if you remove (delete) obstructing walls and furniture for the shot.
The below test was created by exporting the facade as obj, importing, turning it, shrinking height, and adding dimension lines in SH3D before editing the SVG export with Inkscape. I quite like this way, as the exported SVG will have one px equal one cm when adding/editing objects, so it is fairly easy to edit with high accuracy. Again, not perfect, but maybe good enough for documentation (the wall background would be nicer now with the new possiblity of increasing icon size).
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Printing Walls from side
Note that in the version 5.5, an option was added in the preferences to let you choose the size in pixels of furniture icons in the plan. Larger icons will help to get more detailed images in plans copied to the clipboard or exported at SVG format, but also will give better results for lateral / side views created with the suggestion mentioned by Okh, as shown in the following images.
Sweet Home 3D Example 7 side view with plan icon size 128x128
Sweet Home 3D Example 7 side view with plan icon size 1024x1024
But keep in mind that larger icons will consume more RAM, so you may have to change the size of furniture icons back to a smaller value when your plan contains many pieces.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator