And you, have you got your own Sweet Home 3D Facebook page?
Today, we wanted to make an overview of the different and best Sweet Home 3D communities on Facebook.
It is also a way to thank and congratulate one of the winners of our contest, Flo Tardy, who showcases regularely her creations in her own Facebook page.
Here is a recent one:
By courtesy of Flo Tardy
Remember that we also mentioned last spring the Russian community page on VK (VKontakte, the Russian equivalent of Facebook) where are published many beautiful designs at like the following one:
By Marina Rysina
We recently noticed three new pages or groups:
- In Bulgaria: Sweet Home 3D - България run by Валентин Ласков who is the Bulgarian translator à Sweet Home 3D and kindly relays our post or gives advices.
- In Slovakia: Tonim - Návrh a dizajn interiéru run by Tomáš Žolnovič Žolna to show his own interior decorator work:
By courtesy of Tomáš Žolnovič Žolna - In Morocco: Mouhamed Mouzaifia 3D animated by Mouhamed Mouzaifia for his constructor work:
By courtesy of Mouhamed Mouzaifia
Don't forget to visit also former pages or groups:
- In Indonesia: Sweet Home 3D - Public group where our friend Anh Dinh publishes too (see also the nice pictures he posted).
- In Indonesia again: Belajar Desain Bangunan 3D
- In Irak: Designs of Sweet Home 3D created by Ayman Jaleil, home designer
By courtesy of Ayman Jaleil - In Brazil: Sweet Home 3D Brasil
- In Italia: Sweet Home 3D - meubles
- In Poland: Sweet Home 3D projekty
- Spanish speaking: Sweet Home 3D Casas
- Another French speaking: Sweet home 3D - Page communautaire
- Finally, a private group like Sweet Home 3D (English)
Remember that Sweet Home 3D is available in 25 languages and has been downloaded more than 20 millions times during the past 10 years. Wherever you live, for your leisure time or your work, you too, feel free to open a Sweet Home 3D page or group to share your design and bring new worldwide creative ideas for home (please, just avoid to give it the same name of ours).