Interface | Description |
CatalogItem |
An item of a catalog.
CollectionListener<T> |
A listener notified when items are added or removed from a collection.
Content |
Content for files, images...
DoorOrWindow |
A piece of furniture used as a door or a window.
Elevatable |
An object that belongs to a level.
HomeRecorder |
Homes recorder.
Library |
A library able to provide additional capabilities to Sweet Home 3D.
Light |
A piece of furniture that contains one or more light sources.
PieceOfFurniture |
A piece of furniture.
Selectable |
An object that is selectable in home.
SelectionListener |
Listener implemented to receive notifications of selection changes in
Home . |
ShelfUnit |
A piece of furniture whith shelves.
TextureImage |
An image used as texture.
Class | Description |
BackgroundImage |
The image displayed in background of the plan.
Baseboard |
A baseboard associated to wall.
BoxBounds |
Bounds of a box.
Camera |
Camera characteristics in home.
CatalogDoorOrWindow |
A door or a window of the catalog.
CatalogLight |
A light of the catalog.
CatalogPieceOfFurniture |
A catalog piece of furniture.
CatalogShelfUnit |
A catalog piece of furniture.
CatalogTexture |
A texture in textures catalog.
CollectionChangeSupport<T> |
A helper class for
CollectionListener management. |
CollectionEvent<T> |
Type of event notified when an item is added or deleted from a list.
Compass |
A compass used to locate where a home is located and how it's oriented towards North.
DimensionLine |
A dimension line in plan.
FurnitureCatalog |
Furniture catalog.
FurnitureCategory |
Category of furniture.
Home |
The home managed by the application with its furniture and walls.
HomeApplication |
Application managing a list of homes displayed at screen.
HomeDescriptor |
A descriptor that gives access to some data of a home not yet created.
HomeDoorOrWindow |
A door or a window in home.
HomeEnvironment |
The environment attributes of a home.
HomeFurnitureGroup |
A group of furniture of furniture.
HomeLight |
A light in home.
HomeMaterial |
The color and other properties of a material.
HomeObject |
An object with and ID and data where users can stored their own properties.
HomePieceOfFurniture |
A piece of furniture in home.
HomePrint |
The print attributes for a home.
HomeShelfUnit |
A shelf unit in home.
HomeTexture |
An image used as texture on home 3D objects.
Label |
A free label.
Level |
A level in a home.
LightSource |
A light source of a light.
ObjectProperty |
Information about additional property.
ObserverCamera |
Observer camera characteristics in home.
PatternsCatalog |
A catalog of texture images used as patterns to fill plan areas.
Polyline |
A polyline or a polygon in a home plan.
Room |
A room or a polygon in a home plan.
Sash |
A sash (moving part) of a door or a window.
SelectionEvent |
Type of event notified when selection changes in home or furniture catalog.
TextStyle |
The different attributes that define a text style.
TexturesCatalog |
Textures catalog.
TexturesCategory |
Category of textures.
Transformation |
The transformation applied to some model parts.
UserPreferences |
User preferences.
Wall |
A wall of a home plan.
Enum | Description |
AspectRatio |
The aspect ratio of pictures.
Camera.Lens |
The kind of lens that can be used with a camera.
Camera.Property |
The properties of a camera that may change.
CollectionEvent.Type |
The type of change in the collection.
Compass.Property |
The properties of a compass that may change.
DimensionLine.Property |
The properties of a dimension line that may change.
Home.Property |
The properties of a home that may change.
HomeDoorOrWindow.Property |
The properties of a door or window that may change.
HomeEnvironment.DrawingMode |
The various modes used to draw home in 3D.
HomeEnvironment.Property |
The environment properties that may change.
HomeLight.Property |
The properties of a light that may change.
HomePieceOfFurniture.Property |
The properties of a piece of furniture that may change.
HomePieceOfFurniture.SortableProperty |
The properties on which home furniture may be sorted.
HomePrint.PaperOrientation |
Paper orientation.
HomeRecorder.Type |
Recorder type used as a hint to select a home recorder.
HomeShelfUnit.Property |
The properties of a shelf unit that may change.
Label.Property |
The properties of a label that may change.
LengthUnit |
Unit used for lengths.
Level.Property |
The properties of a level that may change.
ObjectProperty.Type |
Property type.
ObserverCamera.Property |
The additional properties of an observer camera that may change.
Polyline.ArrowStyle | |
Polyline.CapStyle | |
Polyline.DashStyle | |
Polyline.JoinStyle | |
Polyline.Property |
The properties of a polyline that may change.
Room.Property |
The properties of a room that may change.
TextStyle.Alignment | |
UserPreferences.Property |
The properties of user preferences that may change.
Wall.Property |
The properties of a wall that may change.
Exception | Description |
DamagedHomeRecorderException |
Exception thrown when a home data read in IO layer is damaged with with possible invalid content in dependencies.
IllegalHomonymException |
Exception thrown when a method didn't accept an homonym.
InterruptedRecorderException |
Exception thrown when a thread is interrupted during an access to data in IO layer.
NotEnoughSpaceRecorderException |
Exception thrown when there's not enough space to save a home.
RecorderException |
Exception thrown by methods that access to data in IO layer.
The HomeApplication
abstract class is the
entry point of this package, and gives access to
user preferences, to the list of created
homes, with their
furniture,... and how to
read and write homes.
© Copyright 2024 Space Mushrooms
Distributed under GNU General Public License