



Sweet Home 3D Blog

This blog presents news and tips about Sweet Home 3D.

Sweet Home 3D 6.4

Sweet Home 3D 6.4 was released on July 21, 2020 with some internal improvements and a few bug fixes described in version history.

Its main goal is to offer some functions required for the new Sweet Home 3D Online Manager which proposes the Sweet Home 3D JS Online Editor to edit homes on all browsers supporting WebGL, including smartphones and tablets.
This service is not completed yet but we are very happy to present you a first version which proposes the main drawing features of Sweet Home 3D with the ability to save your layout while you're drawing.

The following demo video shows Sweet Home 3D JS Online running on an iPhone. Even if your fingers are surely not an input device as precise as a mouse, it shows that they can also be useful to draw plans!

What's missing? Mainly all the dialog boxes used to modify plan items, import textures and furniture, but also contextual menus and search filters on the catalogs. Some other features requiring CPU like photo/video rendering tools may still take more time to appear.
But keep in mind that the new Sweet Home 3D Online Manager lets you export the homes designed online, so you'll be still able to improve your homes and render images with the version of Sweet Home 3D available for download
The manager is also able to handle the homes designed with the previous Online version which required the obsolete Java plug-in, and you may directly edit them with Sweet Home 3D JS Online Editor (or still with the Java plug-in version as long as it works in your browser).

This new editor wouldn't have been possible without the programming help of Renaud Pawlak and his good advice on responsive web design and development for devices with a touch screen like smartphones. His continuous improvements on JSweet also ensured that Sweet Home 3D JS benefits of the development quality of its Java counterpart. If you're interested, Sweet Home 3D JS source code can be downloaded on

Renaud and I sincerely hope you'll like this first version and appreciate the user interface choices we made on smartphones and tablets.

See also this thread in the forum for more details on the features of Sweet Home 3D JS Online Editor, and this article on if you want to learn more about Sweet Home 3D transpilation with JSweet.

[Note that the version 6.4.2 was released on August 8, 2020 to fix a regression which could detached some joined walls in version 6.4]

Avatar: JTM2020hyo

Re: Sweet Home 3D 6.4

We need integration with FreeCAD, Blender and LibreCAD please.
Avatar: Anonymous

Re: Sweet Home 3D 6.4

yes and integration for unreal engine and unity
Avatar: Carlos

Re: Sweet Home 3D 6.4

lo instale pero no esta en español, como puedo hacer para que me figure en idioma español, gracias
Avatar: Emmanuel Puybaret

Re: Sweet Home 3D 6.4

Choose your language in preferences pane.
Avatar: Dieter

Re: Sweet Home 3D 6.4

It what be nice to habe an Import possibility from measure apps like magicplan
Avatar: Pierre Langlois

Re: Sweet Home 3D 6.4

Bonjour, je suis sur windows 10 et j'ai apparemment fait une erreur en achetant la version payante de SW3d car elle est remplie de bug et est presque inutilisable... Il y a t'il des solutions?
Avatar: Emmanuel Puybaret

Re: Sweet Home 3D 6.4

Pourriez-vous détailler un peu votre problème ?
Avatar: morrissel311

Re: Sweet Home 3D 6.4

this makes me want to download it asapp .. thank you for sharing:)
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