



Sweet Home 3D Blog

This blog presents news and tips about Sweet Home 3D.

Sweet Home 3D 6.2

Sweet Home 3D 6.2 was released on July 10, 2019 to fix some bugs described in version history.
Some bugs in relation with furniture groups were fixed, to avoid unexpected behaviors when you modify a piece of furniture added to a group while using Virtual visit mode, and to update total prices after a price change on such pieces.
You may also find more easily adjustable 3D models now, by typing the keyword Adjustable (Ajustable in French) in the catalog search text field.

As a bonus, a new example was added to the gallery showing a house with dormers and a half-buried cellar, inspired from the place where Véronique and I spent our childhood. This house has a roof designed only with thin boxes and triangles, and contains many objects added to the furniture libraries 1.7 released last week, and updated yesterday to fix minor issues. It's also the model used as a base in the recently published tutorial How to quickly design the surroundings of a home.

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Re: Sweet Home 3D 6.2

kindly add furniture that will easily modify the roof.
Avatar: Dan

Re: Sweet Home 3D 6.2

So how do I upgrade to this version from my paid version 6.1.2? Do I have to buy version 6.2?
Avatar: Emmanuel Puybaret

Re: Sweet Home 3D 6.2

If you bought it on the Mac App Store or Microsoft Store, it should update automatically if you check this option in your system. If you bought it at Amazon, go to their web site, log in and go to your software library in your settings where you’ll be able to download the latest version.
Avatar: CAS

Re: Sweet Home 3D 6.2

I bought it on Amazon, I went to my software library. There is no version number on this item, so there is no way to know if it is an updated version. Will that version of the paid version match the new release version number of the free version (6.4.2)? I spoke with Amazon rep and they could not find a version number either and said to contact developer. The reason I am suspicious is that the last time the developer issued an update, I downloaded it. All my extra furniture pieces that came with my purchased version disappeared. So I downloaded the Amazon purchased version again. Then I got a warning message the next time I used it saying that I was now using an older version of the software than the one that created the file.
Avatar: Emmanuel Puybaret

Re: Sweet Home 3D 6.2

The latest version 6.4.3 had been published today at Amazon. It’s Amazon who decided to rename Sweet Home 3D installer files, removing the version number I propose each time. So if you have the chance to speak again to an Amazon rep, tell him that they should reconsider their way of handling new versions (in a faster way too!).
Avatar: Ilham

Re: Sweet Home 3D 6.2

Guys, is there any way to run SH3D on Android phone? Will installing Java emulator work? If so, which installer I should download? My laptop's broken and I miss building homes in SH3D :(
Avatar: Emmanuel Puybaret

Re: Sweet Home 3D 6.2

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