Joined: Oct 8, 2014
Post Count: 526
Re: 1928 Home Builders Catalog Co. house plans
Top floor pictures, rendered.
The hallway from the top of the stairs. The stairs are on the left and the door to the bathroom is on the right. Visible are the doors to Chamber 1, Chamber 2 and the retractable stairs to the attic space. Unfortunately the curio cabinet didn't render well.
Chamber 1, the longest one and furthest from the Sewing Room, I've set up as a little girl's room, complete with pink walls, flowery bedsheets, toy chest and dollhouse. What had been a long single closet I have broken into two equally sized closets, both of which are behind the virtual visitor.
Chamber 2, decorated as the master bedroom. I turned the closet that would have been for Chamber 3 so that this room has two separate closets.
Chamber 3, decorated as the part of the sewing room; I'm using it as storage for the patterns, fabric and etcetera for sewing.
The Sewing Room. I've added a built in desk on the one side and have the crafting table on the other. I've also got the walls covered in the same wallpaper as below in the dining and sitting rooms.
The Bathroom. Not much to describe here. Not visible is the bathmat on the floor which matches the towel hanging on the rack. The shower curtain I used a glass tile texture:
And I believe that's all for this house.
Western Europa
Joined: Mar 29, 2014
Post Count: 2614
Re: 1928 Home Builders Catalog Co. house plans
Nice pictures !
But I saw that on the first the light is too low, isn't it ?
Evil progresses when good people do nothing! --- SH3D 7.1 and nothing else - W11 64b in 4K
Joined: Oct 8, 2014
Post Count: 526
Re: 1928 Home Builders Catalog Co. house plans
Thank you, bdfd.
Yeah, yeah; it's not lit up as bright as the sun but I guess it'll have to do.
And I realize that I didn't share the file to this house. Now I have; the whole thing at about 74-78 MB compressed.
Joined: Oct 8, 2014
Post Count: 526
Re: 1928 Home Builders Catalog Co. house plans
I've been working on another house from this catalog, "The Channing". Unfortunately, the site I've been recently using seems to be having issues with uploading and sharing the pictures, so I can't at the moment share the pictures. And I've had trouble with getting pictures I've uploaded to MediaFire to show here, so I can't effectively do it either way.
Here's the file to this house; you can download it to walk through if you wish.
Also, I've split the original file into three separate additional files (an "unfurnished" home for exterior pictures, the Main floor, and the Top floor) in order to try and get rendered pictures. Unfortunately, so far I've only been able to do so with the exterior shots (I do confess that I haven't had a chance to see if the Top floor is "renderable")... Let's see if I can get the pictures to show from MediaFire (if you see the pictures, that's great, but they're not visible to me)...
Aerial Front
Aerial Back
Virtual visitor looking to the Front door.
Virtual visitor looking to the side door.
Joined: Oct 8, 2014
Post Count: 526
Re: 1928 Home Builders Catalog Co. house plans
So, I'm going to post these while the TinyPic is working...
Original image from the catalog.
Aerial Front. I just noticed that I hadn't placed a couple of the faux beams on the front section, and I know that I didn't include the rain gutters as are visible on the original.
Aerial Back
I'm in the process of recreating the virtual visitor views as the ones I'd posted before were actually quite dark. I'll post those as soon as TinyPic lets me upload them...
If none of the images are visible, I've included the link to each. Also, you'll see that I've made a few changes to the placement of some of the furniture, changed texture choices on others, and added a few pieces. Here's the link to the updated version.
Joined: Oct 8, 2014
Post Count: 526
Re: 1928 Home Builders Catalog Co. house plans
Thank you, kjb.
After starting these houses, I did find other collections on (through Pinterest, which is how I found the Home Builders Catalog in the first place), and have even worked on a house from one of them.
From the "Book of Homes * L. C. Andrew", copyright 1929. Design 691-B. I'm still working on the interior (furnishings on the top floor, some lighting, that sort of thing).
Awesome! The picture sharing page I'm using is actually working!
Okay, I actually have a few homes from that collection that I'm interested in possibly recreating as well. Possibly I'll work on those and hopefully start a whole thread on them as well? Who knows.
Western Europa
Joined: Mar 29, 2014
Post Count: 2614
Re: 1928 Home Builders Catalog Co. house plans
Bravo aeowyn !
The typical form and the green roofs are like in the story of Hansel and Gretel...
Evil progresses when good people do nothing! --- SH3D 7.1 and nothing else - W11 64b in 4K