Joined: Jan 3, 2025
Post Count: 18
Rendering ledstrip light
I want to getthe effect of a ledstrip light under some garderobes. How do i do that? All light sources are single bulbs Theres a strip but its fluoresecering. not warm white.
Joined: Aug 13, 2022
Post Count: 478
Re: Rendering ledstrip light
I recommend making an imitation of a diode tape using colored spheres. You need to download a library of fixtures, where there are such spheres with the ability to assign a color. In my example, I made four different sections of 1x20cm spheres. They line up and overlap each other by a quarter, then the uniform light of this group is obtained. Like that.
such spheres can be combined into a group and then its length can be changed. The power of each sphere is 10%. You can change the color, I have four colors in groups of 60 cm. Blue, then light blue, then light yellow and orange. Any color. The groups rise to the desired height (minus 2cm from the top of the overhanging canopy of the furniture). Everything is simple. You can also make vertical groups, but the spheres need to be aligned in height with an overlap of a quarter of the height. Everything is the same. Then the group can be stretched in height to the desired size.