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Re: Can light be dimmed at its source (or can the source be removed) w/o losing the effect of light?

The link works perfectly fine for me, just try again. If it still doesn't work use the link GaudiGalopin3324 has in his first reply where he uploaded the same library to mediafire. You can remove '(1)' from the downloaded filename to get the original name. It's the same library.
This is a different library from what you posted in your dropbox image. I have both imported in my Sweet Home 3D. The LightShapes.sh3f library has the half spheres used in the example from GaudiGalopin3324.

About the arced roof. I would create the roof with windows in a straight wall and export it. Then use Blender to bend the whole thing in a tiny arc. I haven't done that before but I know it's possible.
On the other hand, it's 7%, barely visible. I can't even see if the arc is vertical or horizontal but from your remarks I know it's an arced wall rotated sideways. Why not try it without the arc? That way you can easily use a simple wall and insert windows with transparent glass without any problems. Make the wall as high as the windows. Then add small arced walls to the top and bottom of the part with the windows to make the top and bottom of the complete roof match your current roof.
Instead of you get something like . As small as the arc is you will be hard pressed to see the difference.
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[Dec 28, 2024, 7:36:49 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Can light be dimmed at its source (or can the source be removed) w/o losing the effect of light?

round windows can be made in a curved wall. Of course, you need to trick the system a bit. I made a wall of five parts. Three with a 7-degree bend and two short straight sections. I've carefully laid out all the sections in one arc, so you need to try harder. Now you need to turn off the magnet and insert the round window into a straight section, it is important to catch the moment when the round window stands perpendicular to the wall, then this half will cut a round hole in the wall. There is a rectangular window in the middle curved wall, and again a partially round one in a straight section. It turned out like this.

now you need to save this composition to OBJ and return it back as a model. Make windows invisible and export-import again. You also need to save only the wall without windows as an OBJ and return it back, it will be an addition to the wall with a window to get the desired dimensions of the room. For now, you need to put all the sections of the wall in a common composition without tilting, align everything, group it, and export it back to OBJ and return it as a model. This trick will allow you to rotate your new wall with windows and paneling along three axes. You can't spin it without this trick.
A hole in the wall is better than a canvas framed with a picture of space. You can put a large box with the texture (photo) of space outside, it is important to make the box much larger than the height of the room so that from any point of the camera the image of space falls without cropping. It is very important to make the proportions of the box exactly the same as the proportions of the texture image. I highlighted the picture with an invisible panel, it needs to be rotated along the Y axis by 270, check how it shines and correctly rotate it towards space on the box. Panel power is 15%, assigned white color. The outer space is very bright and a strong powerful light from outside gets into the room. I made a mistake, I made the illumination of the cosmos panel too strong, the image of the cosmos now looks like a night city (this is not true). The real cosmos is almost black with bright stars, but the light from it is very powerful. And it comes from all sides into the room from the windows, not as from the sun above. I didn't do it very well, but I can do it right. I made the light inside the room from the windows with very flat hemispheres of blue color (blue color is very important) The power of these flat plates is 15% hemispheres. Inside the room there are 8 towers of hemispheres 240x215 with a height of 200, the color is yellow. The different color of the lighting inside the room gives a beautiful complex interior color, the window has bright blue shades, everything is mixed inside. It always looks beautiful and the main thing is that it is true. The light from the window is always cooler than the light inside the room.

the picture for space is like this

The space on the box method outside the windows allows you to move the box and select the desired type of space, this is better than moving fragments in each window on canvases. And it is more difficult to highlight such individual windows. Yes, hemispheres have a direction of light. The towers shine in (and then out, of course) and down-sideways. The flatter plates shine mostly downwards. So by changing the shape of the hemispheres, you can control the flow of light. Almost manage)). Of course, such hemispheres will not shine like a spotlight, the light from them still shines in different directions, not like in a laser. But it is a good tool for correctly highlighting in the right direction. smile
[Dec 28, 2024, 10:16:06 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Can light be dimmed at its source (or can the source be removed) w/o losing the effect of light?

File here
[Dec 28, 2024, 10:27:02 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 

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Re: Can light be dimmed at its source (or can the source be removed) w/o losing the effect of light?

Keet: I totally missed the 1st link Gaudi posted. I went back and have the light library now. Thanks!

& GaudiGalopin3324: It’s so funny that this is your approach because this is what I did when I started this project and had a problem with the doors and those right angle cut outs on rounded edges. Here’s a pic of the blueprint view.

If you look at the inside wall on the lower left side, where the door is, I ended up doing just that. I cut the wall length short, then replaced it with a shorter straight segment. I had to mess with it a bit because that doesn’t seem to work everywhere. Some places it feels like it’s harder to get the flat segment to blend in, but at the end of the arc, it seemed to work well enough. I tried to make a few shorter segments that were arced like in your current example, but the arcs on each seemed more severe maybe because they were so much shorter, even though the arc was still 7 degrees. Keet’s right that from the other view you can’t see the arc much, but it stands out to me because I’ve been working on it for so long and now I’d really like to keep learning and see if I can make what you suggest happen. What you both said about tricking the window? By attaching wall parts to the top and bottom, I didn’t know that’s how that worked! That’s interesting! Thank you for the detailed illustrations. It helps me understand much better.

Your example of the room with windows in…WOW!!! That looks amazing, and just what I’m going for! I’d love to have that thickness of the hull wall visible in the window opening like that, not to mention the different views of space. I struggled with getting pictures to not distort, but I’ve always had a lot of trouble understanding how resolution and size works, no matter how many times I read articles and the like. That room looks so much more realistic than the one I’ve made and I’m not sure I can put my finger on why. I mean the way everything is rendered looks different, better. I tried to apply large photos of space to the sky and ground, but it looked terrible, repeating all over the place and just…bad. I like this idea of the box, though that’ll limit how much I can zoom into the room, won’t it? I’ve noticed the more stuff I leave laying around in my workspace, the further away I get pushed from the interior.

No, that’s ok that the light won’t be a spotlight. I like how the light scatters naturally. I also just like how it looks when it gently comes in as starlight.

This is going to take me a while of trying, but I’m going to get started. So…You sunk a rectangular window into a flat segment of wall. What are the semi-circle shapes on both sides? I know they complete the shape of the window, but are they just geometric shapes?
[Dec 29, 2024, 5:04:09 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Can light be dimmed at its source (or can the source be removed) w/o losing the effect of light?

What are the semi-circle shapes on both sides? I know they complete the shape of the window, but are they just geometric shapes?
it's just a round window from the SH3D standard library. Every time I download a new version, I always get this whole set. Take a look at your Windows and Doors section. Round window. I am sure that it is possible (with difficulty, of course) to make a curved frame around this complex hole. From the walls, you need to make separate sections and combine them into a composition, then export-import as a model. You've already done a lot of complicated details, and I'm sure you can handle that.) The space on the box can be moved from different points for each render so that it is fully visible in the windows. The stars never repeat, so the changes won't be noticeable. You don't need to insert glass into the window, this complicates the model and lengthens the rendering. And the glare from inside the room is not visible. Glare appears only if it is completely night outside. And from a close angle, from a close distance by the window.
[Dec 29, 2024, 6:55:09 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 

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Re: Can light be dimmed at its source (or can the source be removed) w/o losing the effect of light?

Ok, wait a sec. I've set up my workspace, have the 3 sections of 7 degree curved wall and 2 small straight pieces of wall, have the rectangular and two half round windows...but how are you rotating them on their side at this stage to go into your wall parts horizontally? Also, I saved that spacescape picture and checked the properties. It appears to be 6006 x 3228 pixels. When I convert that to inches, it’s 62.56” x 33.625”, and when I made a wall in SW3D that size and stuck the pic on it, the pic was way smaller and replicated itself like 100 times. That wall in your image, I’m guessing it’s maybe 8’ tall and I don’t know how wide. I don’t know what I did wrong there?
[Dec 30, 2024, 6:12:40 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Can light be dimmed at its source (or can the source be removed) w/o losing the effect of light?

Nothing needs to be rotated yet. We need to make the walls as shown in my diagram and turn off the magnet. Without a magnet, you can rotate the round window very precisely a little bit, one degree at a time. And catch this window position when the square hole changes to a normally round hole. This is one moment, but you need to let go of your finger on the mouse at this moment))). Now all these walls and windows need to be highlighted. AND SAVE IT TO OBJ. Then return it back to the program as a model. At this stage of the return, you need to use the arrows to rotate the model in space so that this group of walls and windows stands vertically. These are the arrows.

It is necessary that the view from above is correct. After that, you need to make all windows, panes and handles invisible from the model. You will get a curved wall with an uneven hole. This needs to be SAVED TO OBJ again. And return it again as model 2. Now this model can be tilted along the Y axis, for example, by 340 degrees. Just like here.

And just make a wall without windows to insert the necessary width sections between the windows in the room. You also need to tilt these blind areas along the Y axis by 340 degrees. And using a magnet to glue and align. It will turn out to be the entire wall in the room with windows. And with a tilt.
Now about space. You need to look at the proportions of the image first. 6006 x 3228 pixels. Make a BOX (not a wall!) with proportions of 600 cm wide and 322 cm high (for example, 10 cm thick, this is not very important). In the extended version!! On the model settings page, assign a texture to the FRONT side of the box, leave the other sides as they are white with a medium gloss, they are not visible. The image is at 100% scale. Then there will be no distortion. You can now zoom in or out of this box by checking the save proportions box. Make the height, for example, 400cm (the width will increase in proportion, the image will not be distorted).
[Dec 30, 2024, 8:16:01 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 

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Re: Can light be dimmed at its source (or can the source be removed) w/o losing the effect of light?

I am clearly not understanding something here. Your original picture has the grouping of circular, rectangular, and 1/2 round windows oriented horizontally. I've followed the instructions, turned off magnet, closed the program and restarted it, but I see no way to rotate my collection of windows horizontally before the 1st export, which I'd need to do in order to adjust the end window alignments to the flat sections of wall. What am I misunderstanding?
[Jan 3, 2025, 9:25:02 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Can light be dimmed at its source (or can the source be removed) w/o losing the effect of light?

turned off magnet, closed the program and restarted it
Why? You don't have to restart when switching magnetism on or off. There's a nice button with a magnet in the toolbar.
but I see no way to rotate my collection of windows horizontally before the 1st export
If you look at the image from GaudiGalopin with the 5 segments you can see that the windows are horizontal. Just resize them to fit in the horizontal composition. I.e. small height, wide width for the rectangular window. The "Fixed window" is a nice window to do that. The windows are only there to create the hole so what they look like doesn't matter.
Set the width and height of the round windows to the same value as the height of the rectangular window.
After placing the windows you export the walls. And after import of the walls you can tilt the walls to the correct position. You don't tilt/rotate the windows, only the walls after expor/import.
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[Jan 3, 2025, 9:52:03 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Can light be dimmed at its source (or can the source be removed) w/o losing the effect of light?

it seems to me that you need to master the basic export and import skills here. First, export to OBJ. This is done with these buttons.

Select everything you need to export and click on "Export in OBJ format" in the "3D View" column at the bottom. Then do the "furniture import" and drag the OBJ file from the downloads to the import window. And there, rotate the model vertically using the arrows (as in the picture above). You don't need to turn anything off!

[Jan 3, 2025, 11:09:02 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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