Joined: Aug 13, 2022
Post Count: 477
an eye for animals
Very often, models of horses, cows, dogs, elephants are made well, but without normal shiny eyes. This can be fixed. There are hemispheres and spheres in the Dodecagon shape library. Of these, you can combine the shape of the eyeball with the eyelids. I made the apple and the iris mirrored, assigned a very dark color. Black for the iris, dark brown for the apple. Eyelashes made from grass)). This model can be inserted into the place of bad eyes. The animals will immediately be more fun. These models are not very suitable for humans, because it is very difficult (so far impossible) to correctly position the texture of the iris on the sphere. For some reason, she does not lie down well and does not obey. Therefore, only horses)). Maybe dear Keet will make models of spheres with the right textures, then you can refine people.
Joined: Aug 13, 2022
Post Count: 477
Re: an eye for animals
Thanks Keet, but these textures are also distorted. Surprisingly, there is no symmetrical simple texture mapping scheme anywhere on the sphere. Everything stretches out unpredictably in some crooked spots. But I found ONE model. A Radio with a convex speaker from the SH3D library. I could hardly attach the texture of the iris to it almost exactly. This is the only model that came up. It's very strange. I was able to highlight only this speaker, glued it to the sphere - the eyeball. I made eyelashes out of scorpion tails. It's creepy. And I also duplicated all the surfaces of the eye with a layer of MTL d 0.2 glass, which gives a bright shine with reflections. Now this pair (symmetrical versions, right and left eyes) can be inserted into any people's faces where the eyes are too simple. People immediately have glamour and mystery))). here, for comparison, is the original man from the SH3D library and the upgraded one with eyes from the radio receiver. I like the second version)). A glamorous cyborg.
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1220
Re: an eye for animals
Thanks Keet, but these textures are also distorted.
Ah yes, but they were intended to use as models, not just the texture. They are replacements for the original iris.
The texture image is 1100x1100 because an Iris has much detail and should retain those. Using that texture you can place it on a sphere from the catalog and scale it 500%. That should give the same result as the models I provided. Different irises can be obtained from existing free character models. They often have separate textures for eyes and you can extract the Iris and maybe a piece of the eye ball from them. You will have to change that into a similar image as I created and scale it 500% on a sphere. Notice the surounding 'empty' space. The smaller model is just a cut-out from the full sphere to cut off the duplicate Irises, done with Blender.
If you can find the correct image you could have a full eye with the area surrounding the iris. Create the image with the correct propertions where the iris has the same size as in the iris-only image. Apply on a sphere with scale 500% and you have an eye ball to replace in character models. Like this:
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