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love struck searchlight beams for the lighthouse

First of all, the lighthouse is a high-tech facility. Therefore, the rays will work there according to several important principles:
1. The beam of light has a strict geometry, you can not be careless here, you can not make the beam curved. It is born from ideal optics and therefore the beam is perfection in structure.
2. The beam is visible only in a foggy or smoky air environment. If the air is dry or clean, then the beam is not visible.
3. The further away from the epicenter, the weaker the beam. He always disappears somewhere at the end, even in the misty air.
4. The color of the beam is saturated at the source and then becomes less bright, turning into an almost neutral white as it weakens.
Dear master Captaincook makes amazing complex models of historical lighthouses in his theme , reproduces the smallest details in the SH3D program. They look like real ones. And of course you need to make the right light for such models. I took the cone as a basis, because all the rays come out as a rule from round optics. They have a beginning and increase in diameter further from the source. The cone is in the ratio of 1:10. the base is 90 cm, the height is 900 cm. A second cone with smaller proportions was inserted inside strictly in the center. Base 60 cm, height 900 cm. In photographs, the beam is often like this, with double walls, it is difficult to get out of the optics. The double cones also simulate "dissolution" at the edge of the beam surface. The beautiful Cecilia offered her own excellent way of imitation spotlight on the stage . She placed a very powerful small sphere in an opaque jar. The edges of the jar form the output of the light stream, and the size of the sphere makes the edge of this stream "loose". She replaced the smoky air with a very weak transparent texture on the box, leaned this box against the jar from the side-back. Therefore, the flow of light from the sphere from the jar highlights a triangular sector with a blurred edge on the texture. A very natural look. This method is great for a concert stage, when you can position a box with a translucent texture perpendicular to the viewer's angle of view. By changing the size of the jar or placing the sphere deeper inside the jar, you can change the angle of light output. Everything is very logical and understandable.

But how to arrange flat boxes with texture on the lighthouse? The beams are arranged in a circle, the boxes cannot be placed without errors.

I decided to use cones instead of boxes. I downloaded such a cone from the Dodecagon website. Thanks Keet! I put a small jar from the Cecilia file on the top. I created a group of these cones and cans, exported them as OBJ and returned them as a model, rotated this model 90 degrees, and positioned it horizontally. A 4cm sphere of 100% different colors inside the jar. Even two such spheres for the power of the spotlight. The color of the sphere colors the surfaces of the cones. For cones, I made a translucent texture in an online photo editor. It should be completely transparent on one side and completely opaque on the opposite side, as a result, it needs to be preserved in two forms - 1. completely opaque with dissolution and 2. in 5% everything is completely transparent. Later I realized that it does not matter what kind and pattern this texture will be. Most importantly, it should be very transparent, no more than 5%. If it is more dense, the beam will be unnaturally milky and not transparent. To work with a cone, when adjusting the texture scale, you need to make a duplicate of the texture with maximum opacity in order to correctly position it on the surface of the cone. Then, when everything is correct, replace it with 5% transparency. Otherwise, you just won't see what you've done)). The transparent part of the texture should be located at the base of the cone, the opaque denser part of the texture at the top.

This is a preliminary texture for adjusting the cone, the real texture of 5% is almost invisible and I'm not showing it to you)).

I placed the cones with the jars very precisely in a circle. The turns of the model should not be done manually, but by numbers. The rotation pitch is 10 degrees. All models are at the same height. My opinion is that it is necessary to separate the lighting of the lighthouse model and the lighting of the rays. There is only one way to do this - you need to raise the level of the rays much higher than the top of the lighthouse, otherwise the illumination of the lighthouse will spoil the light system in the rays. I will then shift the entire composition of the rays in space so that they coincide with the top of the tower in the frame in the picture. Then they will be independent. I raised the sky with clouds even higher, it has its own illumination with a wide hemisphere. To emphasize the nebula of the atmosphere, I placed the same very transparent texture of a white blurred spot (4%) on a cylinder with invisible sides.

This plate is located slightly above the center of the composition of rays, above the jars. The fog in the epicenter helps to make the light source denser and brighter at the top of the tower.
As a result, the picture turned out like this. The rays are transparent, very geometric, without unnecessary size distortions. The lighthouse here is of course schematic, the master of Captaincook has a different one and is perfectly worked out. I can't do that yet.. crying

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[Dec 5, 2024, 7:29:01 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: searchlight beams for the lighthouse

Un grand merci pour toutes vos explications, GaudiGalopin.

Mais je vais devoir les relire plusieurs fois et faire de nombreux essais avant d'approcher ce que vous avez réalisé.
C'est aussi tout l'intérêt du forum de Sweet Home qui permet tant d'apprendre des autres.

Très bonne journée à vous.
[Dec 5, 2024, 10:39:18 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: searchlight beams for the lighthouse

I've complicated the model. I made a copy of the first pair of cones. I changed the proportions - the base of the large cone is now 150 cm. Now each ray is the sum of four cones of different sizes. And I added capacity in banks, 4 spheres of 100% each. Yes, the beam turned out to be more loose, not as flat as in the first case. But the rendering time has greatly increased. Three times more((. This simple picture was loaded for 40 hours. Horror. I also noticed that it is necessary to slightly shift the texture along the Y axis on the second copy of the model so that dense patches of texture do not overlap on all layers of cones in one place. Otherwise, the beam turns out to be clearly striped, as in this picture.

[Dec 7, 2024, 7:03:01 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: searchlight beams for the lighthouse

of course, the computer was now processing 60(!!!) at the same time cones with transparent textures. Hard work for the machine.. sad
[Dec 7, 2024, 7:16:57 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: searchlight beams for the lighthouse

Impressive results!
of course, the computer was now processing 60(!!!) at the same time cones with transparent textures. Hard work for the machine.. sad
Maybe you could solve that by using a different diffusing image: a long stretched triangle that dissolves along its edges. Then use that image for each beam. More images instead of the single circular dissovling circle but only one for each beam instead of the 60. It also has the advantage that you can adjust it for multiple beams in different directions and and angles like on a stage.
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[Dec 7, 2024, 8:06:48 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: searchlight beams for the lighthouse

Bonjour GaudiGalopin.

Je ne peux qu'admirer votre travail et tout ce que vous faites pour le rendre aussi réel que possible.
Mais j'avoue que je ne m'imagine pas laisser tourner mon PC pendant 40h pour obtenir l'image finale.
Quelles sont les caractéristiques du votre, notamment au niveau du processeur ?
[Dec 8, 2024, 10:33:54 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: searchlight beams for the lighthouse

I think my computer is very old and not modern. He often turns off for no reason. And it buzzes a lot when it tries to process 60 cones.. I probably should feel sorry for him, but I have an icy heart ((. The characteristics are like this Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz but I'm sure it's not very important for our wonderful program. I probably need to dust it off, it's much more useful for complex work. I recently replaced an old video card - it got even worse))). But I have noticed that I am becoming calmer and treat failures in SH3D more philosophically, without despair. I am sure that in SH3D it is possible to work on any hardware in about the same way. The main thing is not to get upset and look at everything easier. blushing
[Dec 9, 2024, 7:36:12 AM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: searchlight beams for the lighthouse

Bon, en ce qui me concerne, mon PC est relativement récent (2 ans) mais c'est un portable avec un Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9300HF CPU @ 2.40GHz avec 8 Go de ram et une carte Nvidia Geforce GTX.
Donc nettement moins performant que le votre.
Mais jusqu'à présent, il a répondu à mes souhaits, sachant que je réalise peu d'images de nuit avec des éclairages très poussés, contrairement à vous.
Encore merci pour toute votre participation à mon dernier sujet.
[Dec 10, 2024, 3:56:41 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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