Joined: Nov 16, 2023
Post Count: 8
Header for the Floor to ceiling columns
My apologies for last post i may have asked the wrong question the wrong way what i mean to ask is how to make the headers that connect any 2 columns into one on the ceiling.
I can make a column its simply a wall turned into a pillar which is a 1x1 foot wall in the program or any thickness really so i apologize for the confusion on previous post
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1229
Re: Header for the Floor to ceiling columns
It's still not completely clear but I assume you want to add a footer and header to your column. You can use a box or cylinder to do that: make them bigger than your column and place them at the correct position so the they span outside the column. The footer at elevation 0 of course and the header elevated to wall-height-header-height. Of course you can create any fancy footer and/or header but the process remains the same.
You can select all parts of your column and export them. After import you have your column+header+footer as a single 3D model.
Joined: Nov 16, 2023
Post Count: 8
Re: Header for the Floor to ceiling columns
Wanted to thank the Developers i have 20+ years experience in 3DS Max with modelling, texturing, and key animation so when coming across this program it was an easy transition and would say its features makes architecture super easy if you know what your doing with 3d modelling software previously doing things in 3DS MAX would take 3-4 times longer i believe there are scripts that would mimic the features in sweet home but i don't do programming so Sweet Home is where i spend all my time for creating architecture