Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1229
Square cutout in curved walls
The problem I'm encountering is with curved walls. When I place a round window in a wall it makes a cutout in the wall that is as round as the window. But as soon as I try to curve the wall the cutout becomes a square around the outer edges of the round window.
For testing purposes I created a circular wall. Then I took an open cylinder, exported it to an obj file and imported again as a Window. This makes a pipe that remains open when passing through a wall, as expected. When I place the imported "cylinder window" through the curved wall the cutout becomes square. Obviously I want it to remain round.
I'm pretty creative in finding solutions for such problems when creating custom objects with SH3D but this one I can't seem to resolve. I do realize the cutout calculation is much more complex for a curved wall but it should be mathematically possible, it just goes beyond my math skills.
Is there a way to have the round window cutting out a round hole in a curved wall like it does in a straight wall? (In other words: have the cutout following the window outline in a curved wall, not a square hole encompassing the outer limits.)
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