Joined: Feb 8, 2024
Post Count: 2
Re: Wirings plugin
Hello I am trying this plugin for the first time, i'm not a huge user of sweethome 3D so maybe i made a mistake, but i can't seam to have the wire go to a negative level ? Like from the ground floor to the frist floor, no issue, but going down to the "basement" it won't do it ?
Can someone please double check i'm not just bad at it please :D
Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 449
Re: Wirings plugin
By default the 3D view shows only objects belonging to levels from the ground to the selected one. To show levels at negative elevations you must select them, so levels above (and objects belonging to them) aren't displayed.
If you start drawing the wiring at level 1, and then select the basement, then the wiring won't be shown, because it belongs to an higher level.
The workaround is to change the 3D view settings so that it shows all levels: right click the 3D view and select "Show all levels", or press CTRL+ALT+A.
Joined: Dec 17, 2017
Post Count: 68
Re: Wirings plugin
Thanks for this plugin. Have to learn how to use it. My problem: I have drawn a line and want to change it higher up the wall. In the 3D-view the points can not be selected only in the 2D-plan. How can I change the elevation of a line or its points?
Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 449
Re: Wirings plugin
Have you draw the line using the wiring tool? You can't elevate lines drawn with the standard polyline tool. In the 3D view you can't select points, just drag them when the mouse cursor changes over the point.
Joined: Dec 17, 2017
Post Count: 68
Re: Wirings plugin
Thank you Daniel. The short answer seems to be "it is possible".
First my mistake, I had the pan3Dview plugin not installed. Have now done so version 4.1 beta.
Yes,I have drawn the line with the wiring tool. In the 2D-view it behaves as expected, the cursor changes over "a point" and I can move it in the horizontal plane.
In the 3D-view I can select the line (it changes color) but then the cursor does not change when over the line of over "a point". Only in the 3D-view could I move a point vertically.
My SH3D version is 7,2, the wirings plugin 4,4 beta2, LinuxMint 21,3
Joined: Jul 6, 2015
Post Count: 40
Re: Wirings plugin
I still think it would be great to integrate the wirings plugin and polylines features, hence extending polylines with an elevation parameter. I.e. promoting polylines to 3D objects...
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
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Re: Wirings plugin
I.e. promoting polylines to 3D objects...
Not exactly what you want but you can use a box to simulate a 3D object polyline: Draw a long thin box and make all sides invisible except the top. Export and import. This leaves you with a "line" that has a 0-height because it's only a single face (the top) of the box. You can handle that object like any other object, i.e. move, rotate, resize, elevate, color/texture, etc. (except the height of course). I often use boxes instead of polylines because I can handle them like any other object, specifically grouping, give a name, and make them invisible. In some cases the 0-height of the single face object is an advantage, in other cases I use plain resized boxes.
---------------------------------------- 950+ 3D models, manuals, and projects
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Re: Wirings plugin
yes, but the beaty of polylnes is that you can make a connected graph so when you move one point, the edges move along. It is also easy to split line segments or delete points.
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
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Re: Wirings plugin
yes, but the beaty of polylnes is that you can make a connected graph so when you move one point, the edges move along. It is also easy to split line segments or delete points.
True, but then there are walls... 0.1 height, 0.1 thick. You can split them, have connected corners, and move them. Still not exactly like polylines and you can't use them vertically but they have connected points. For some situations that might be an alternative.
---------------------------------------- 950+ 3D models, manuals, and projects
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Post Count: 40
Re: Wirings plugin
Off coarse we can get rid of all models, options, methods and objects and build everything using walls, rooms and boxes as bese items, export them and impport then as furniture ;) Sort of the differnece between RISC processosr and and Interl processor...
The thing is that polylines are there, there are just missing a z-coordinate. To creat the wirings plugin Daniels118 had to create a new kind of object that look quite similar to polylines. So there is redundancy in polylines anbd the wirings plugin. This is creating bloat and inefficinecies in memory and compute usage. Integrating the two would be some much cleaner.