Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 449
Re: Wirings plugin
Hi 44david, did you install the latest version of both Pan 3D view and Wirings plugin? If you could share your home file I could check the cause of the problem and fix it.
Joined: Apr 10, 2023
Post Count: 3
Re: Wirings plugin
Thank You Very Much Daniele
Your responsiveness is remarkable, I will hasten to download this version so that I can continue to use this excellent tool that is Sweet Home 3D.
I also salute the developer, Emmanuel PUYBARET, who showed great professionalism in detecting the origin of the bug and who also used the same responsiveness.
In a word, BRAVO!
Congratulations to you application and plugin developers, thanks to you, we, users, can enjoy your knowledge with confidence, at least here on this forum.
Joined: Jun 17, 2023
Post Count: 2
Re: Wirings plugin
Hey, this plugins looks great but I've been unable to get it to work. I installed the Plugin Manager, and both Pan3DView and Wiring are up to date. Sweethome3D Version is 7.1.
The problem is that I can't pan the 3D View at all, and when I select the wiring tool, then clicks to the 3D view are not registered properly. It seems that the clicks are only registered in a tiny fraction of the top left corner of the 3D view, and even then the position of the node on the 3D view is unreliable.
I tried this on the i3 window manager, but to make sure that that's not the issue, I also tried on the cinnamon window manager, which is a bit more conservative... :)
Both tests were run on Arch Linux.
I think something is wrong here with the way the plugin handles clicks on the 3D view, but I'm not super sure. fwiw, I am able to select objects in the 3D view by clicking them, and all the other interactions, like rotate and zoom work fine. Even the accelerated zoom using the Shift key.
Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 449
Re: Wirings plugin
There is a difference in the way screen coordinates are handled depending on the Java runtime version, the behaviour changes starting from Java 1.9 and above. Please open Sweet Home 3D, go to the Help menu and select "About", then check the Java version and report it here. Also check if the behaviour changes by changing the display scaling factor (the procedure depends on the window manager, search the web if you don't know how). You may also try to run SH3D with a different Java runtime to see if this can solve the problem (for this you have to install Java by yourself and download the Sweet Home 3D executable jar). From my side I'm running on OpenJDK 11 on Windows, but I could try to reproduce the problem on Linux Mint+Cinnamon after I have more details.
Joined: Jun 17, 2023
Post Count: 2
Re: Wirings plugin
I checked the java version, and I was running openjdk 20, I downgraded to openjdk 11 and the behavior didn't change. But since you suggested that the behavior changed from java 1.9 and above, I also tried openjdk 8, and that works beautifully.
The images shows the horizontal wire is 38cm and vertical wire is 0cm with 40cm x 40cm tiles setting on walls, those facts test with SH3D7.1(OpenJDK 11 and ORA JDK1.8, PAN3D3.7.5, Wiring 4.2), SH3D6.6(OpenJDK 11, PAN3D1.7, Wiring 1.7) on different laptop (Windows 7, Windows 10) and none of those could calculate the vertical distance (length) right.
Then I've opened the sh3d file with txt and find the wiring xml tag, the inner coordinates only have X and Y, not with the Z dimension on it.