Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Side view plug-in
I had a look yesterday and wanted to try the same thing, but the factory is private. I know how to access private fields but don't want to use this part of Java and prefer to add an accessor in a coming version.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
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last edit by Puybaret at Feb 6, 2022, 12:41:48 PM]
Joined: Nov 17, 2021
Post Count: 449
Re: Side view plug-in
Adding an accessor would be great! Another great improvement would be to make the Object3DFactory extensible so that plugins can add their implementation instead of replacing it, so that multiple plugins can work together (which is how my 2 plugins actually work).
Joined: Mar 25, 2023
Post Count: 2
Re: Side view plug-in
Merci aux concepteurs de ce logiciel, ainsi qu'aux contributeurs. Et bravo pour cette aide de Veroniq pour réaliser des plans de coupe A-A, ou B-B. Je m'en sors plutôt bien avec sweet home 3d. Mais, je souhaiterais justement des améliorations sur la possibilité de créer des plans de coupe. D'autre part, au lieu de lister le mobilier d'un projet, il serait bien d'indiquer les matériaux utilisés pour réaliser un mur (le nombre de parpaings par exemple). C'est peut-être trop demander, mais ça nous fidéliserait à notre logiciel plutôt que d'aller vers d'autres programmes assez difficiles à utiliser. Encore félicitations pour cette merveille d'application !
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Side view plug-in
A first Beta version of Sweet Home 3D 7.2 was released and its ability to view dimensions in the 3D view as well as to handle elevation dimensions was reused in a Beta version of Side view plug-in that I would like you to test before releasing it. If you made dimension lines viewable in the 3D view, the plug-in will let you create directly images like the following one.
This version is also able to replace the side view of furniture with some cutomized images if you feel it necessary, for example to represent a shelf unit with a back panel using the same material as the shelves, or windows with limits that can't be distinguished well enough.
These images come from the properties named sideViewFrontImage, sideViewBackImage, sideViewLeftImage and sideViewRightImage which value is an image. You don't have to define the 4 images to make it work and will probably need only sideViewFrontImage or sideViewBackImage property most of the time. To help you define these images, you can use Furniture Library Editor 2.0 where you'll add in preferences the properties you need with an Image type.
Once the properties are added, select the side view image(s) in the furniture modification dialog of each model you want to update.
Images can use transparency if necessary and will be scaled to fit the furniture side where they will be applied. As this feature works thanks to textures, their width and height should be ideally a power of two (64, 128, 256, 512...). If you want to try this feature directly, the furniture library FilledBookcaseWithSideViewFrontImage.sh3f attached to this post defines the front image of the model named Filled bookcase with front view.
Note that this new version of the plug-in requires Sweet Home 3D 7.2 (Beta versions included) to work and it fixes also some issues with textures that could happen when you change them in Sweet Home 3D while the plug-in window is opened. The selection contour of selected objects appear at screen in the plug-in window but are not saved in the final image.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
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last edit by Puybaret at Nov 24, 2023, 7:28:06 AM]
Joined: Apr 24, 2014
Post Count: 627
Re: Side view plug-in
My first realization with this new plugin version. Being inspired from this official plan
I've made this (slide to see also the right part of the image)
It is far to be satisfactory or easy to do but it is a start. I've use only text vertically orientated and visible in 3D. The heavy part was to manually edit and set every text label.
My wish could be to have this elevation point as a new kind of elevation dimension which look something like this.
---------------------------------------- A computer program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do. Murphy's Law When all else fails, read the instructions. Murphy's Law If you don't like "AS IS", DIY. Dorin's law
I have a restoration/extension idea for my small home here in the UK. Having been retired for a few years now my only possibility to get the plans approved and build what they will show is to both draw and build it nearly entirely by myself - good fun!!
Anyway, having been familiar with MS Excel in the "rat race" I decided to scale my survey measurements (1:50 & 1:100) for the required Planning Service / Building Control drawings and draw the required 2D lines, one line at a time, in an MS Excel chartsheet - I knew that I could then get them printed correctly to paper A2/A3 as is still required here by the relevant authorities (although Planning are going soft copy online imminently).
The property site has quite a slope and the 1958 build is a bit tricky too - being cavity wall the external DPC is OK (generally level throughout and around the required 150mm above external ground highpoint. The internal DPC (of the inner leaf of the external wall) is at around level to the external ground highpoint. The rooms are a mix of suspended wooden floors and concrete (around 50mm thick) laid directly on soil. The internal interface walls between the suspended and concrete floor rooms contain two DPC's - one at the level of the external leaf of the external wall and one at the level of the inner leaf of the external wall
the point is that my, hopefully, clever tanking slurry solution idea to make the proposed works conform to the relevant standards must be well depicted for Building Control.
After having produced reasonable external planning elevations in Excel it became apparent (a bit too late) just how horrendously complicated the task of producing a series of vertical sections within Excel would be.
In search for assistance I recently came across an excellent article (called "Small house design workflow with Open Source software (work in progress)" (by moniker bitacovir). Assuming that same moniker at this forum I was led to the post in this topic I (hope) this is now a reply to.
So, with a little initial experimentation, I am just starting to form an inkling that (with a lot more investigation) I just might be able to use Sweet Home 3D to extract the required series of vertical sections.
My question, for now, is to see if there could be an easy "nice to have" as follows:
In the attached thumbnail (parallel projection vertical section) the "side view" image of the vertical section displays the outside half of the walls in dark grey and the inside half in light grey - is there any way that I can make each half whatever colour I wish (e.g. black)?
PS Many thanks to Puybaret for developing such an amazing piece of software and to the other contributors for adding significantly to it
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1229
Re: Side view plug-in
Use Modify Walls where you can give each side (left/right) of the wall a different color or texture and you can set a color for the top of the wall (no texture). This will show in the 3Dview and photo renderings. Look at the arrows on the wall when it's selected to see what is left and right. You can select multiple walls to give them all a different color at the same time.
You can also set a pattern for the top-view of the walls in the 2Dview. This way you can use different patterns for the inside and outside walls.
ETA: This is a default feature for walls and is available without the side view plugin.
---------------------------------------- 950+ 3D models, manuals, and projects
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last edit by Keet at Nov 24, 2023, 9:44:35 AM]
United Kingdom
Joined: Nov 23, 2023
Post Count: 33
Re: Side view plug-in
Appreciate that Keet.
It's the sectional view (at camera location) of the front of the walls that i'd like to be black throughout. I (think I) already tried what you suggest - it had no impact.