Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Terrain Generator plug-in
I have installed the plug-in but i dont see the same screen than the latest version.
Check what version is running in the Librairies in use dialog box shown when you click on the Libraries button in About dialog box. If it's not the good version, install the version 1.1 of the plug-in and don't forget to restart Sweet Home 3D.
Would you consider having negative elevation to make holes?
I don't think this will happen, but you can create a room at a lower level (including levels with a negative elevation), elevate all the points in the plug-in and finally dig a hole in this terrain. See this video for more details.
I do not see the wireframe option, is it because i am using the French version?
The wireframe option is available only from version 1.1 of the plug-in and when there are some walls, rooms and furniture to display.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Sep 16, 2021
Post Count: 1
Re: Terrain Generator plug-in
Thank you for this great plugin which allowed me to create the altimetry of a very steep terrain to successfully lay out the house. A small improvement would be to offer a possibility to undo the last changes without having to reset all. Thank you again and well done for this plugin.
Joined: Apr 18, 2022
Post Count: 1
Re: Terrain Generator plug-in
Hi. I know the post is very old so I'm not sure if the plug-in still works, but when I go on "tools", the "Generate 3D terrain from rooms" option is gray, so it doesn't let me click it. I already tried using version 1.1 and 1.01, and none of them work.
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1229
Re: Terrain Generator plug-in
Emmanuel, a nice and very welcome addition to the Terrain Generator would be an option to start with an overall elevation at a set height. I'll explain why:
Besides creating elevations like hills and mountains the Terrain Generator is also used to create depressions for ponds or lakes. This is of course done by elevating everything that is not a depression in the terrain. And that's a tedious and always inaccurate process. It also seems like working backward. If you can start with a clean elevated terrain at a set height it allows you to immediately start with lowering the places where you want depressions and still raise where you want hills.
The result is that (placed at a level -<max height>) you still can have your mostly original flat surface except now with the depression for the pond or lake without having to go through the process of raising most of the surface. Such an option shouldn't be too difficult to implement because it's basically what you do with your mouse except now it's set with a predefined height for the full room instead of raising a point with magnetism. Of course once the filled height is set you can freely adjust up and down, it's just a much more convenient start position than everything at level 0.
Any possibility this can be implemented?
---------------------------------------- 950+ 3D models, manuals, and projects
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Terrain Generator plug-in
You should set a very large influence radius to elevate all the points at the same elevation as shown in this video.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Apr 8, 2022
Post Count: 1229
Re: Terrain Generator plug-in
Thank you Emmanuel for the fast reply.
I know and I have seen the video but that still doesn't set the elevation at a flat height and it's very difficult to get a specific height, for example a specific wall height. I tried it with a scale 100000 and in some spaces it still wasn't flat enough for a building.
Terrains almost by definition are large (i.e. terrain size, not house size). That makes it very slow. Splitting in multiple rooms also makes no difference because you have to see them together. I currently have a terrain the size of 294mx194m and wanted to have a (partial) lake in a corner of the terrain. It's mostly flat (because of multiple buildings) but does have a few elevations scattered around. Trying to get what I explained proved to be virtually impossible to do.
As usual I found ways around the problem. Not as nice as a full terrain would be but it is what it is. I still think it would be a useful and (I think) fairly easy addition to the Terrain Generator.
---------------------------------------- 950+ 3D models, manuals, and projects
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: Terrain Generator plug-in
You’ll see that I don’t like to add some fields everywhere. It’s not the problem of whether it’s simple to program or not. In your case, I prefer to increase the max value of influence radius if that’s enough. And about entering precise elevations, be patient, it should be available sooner that you think. But shh! I don’t like to announce coming features…
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator